Hey there!

Welcome! I've decided to start a blog today for my future self. I aim to share snippets and wisdoms from the books I read and provide a summary of my daily life. Thank you for passing by.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

In Belgium, today is a holiday known as All Saints Day. Here's how my day went: I'm staying active while reading a book on my phone by walking on the treadmill. Working from home. I'm happy to have my brother and his wife visiting. It was a pleasant day as my brother doesn't visit often;... Continue Reading →

Reading – my preferences

I'll be writing separate blog posts about the book I'm currently reading. Personally, I have only recently developed a stronger passion for reading. During my younger years, I overlooked books in favor of playing video games. As I've grown older, I've become more interested in books. I love nonfiction books, especially self-help ones.For me, reading... Continue Reading →

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